🇬🇧 REMEMBER vs REMIND vs RECALL vs RECOLLECT 🇬🇧 Hello my dear friends 🤗 Here's my take on those verbs in the title. I'll give some nice little explanations as to their meanings and my examples will give you context to make their uses much clearer 👍🏻 ✅REMEMBER (the easy one) If you remember something, you basically bring people or events to your mind; not to have forgotten. Remember can be used transitively with an object or intransitively without an object. It is often used with to + infinitive and with when- where- or that-clauses. (I won't go into the difference between REMEMBER +ing/inf.... that's very basic stuff): 👉🏻 My darling, do you remember the time we were romantically lying on the grass in the English meadows when we got attacked by a rabid bull? 👉🏻 Do you remember when we first met? Because I don't. 👉🏻 I can't remember where I put the keys to the bathroom! Ah, doesn't matter. Too late now anyway. 👉🏻 Will you remember to buy me flowers for my birthday and not a power-drill next time, my husband? 👉🏻 Sarah remembered that she had ordered five buckets of KFC and suddenly cheered up. ❤ Sexy common collocation: 👉🏻 If I remember rightly....(didn't you use to be a man?) 👉🏻 I can't quite remember to be honest! ✅REMIND When you remind someone, you make them remember whatever it is. Thus, remind is a transitive verb which may be followed by to + infinitive or a that-clause: 👉🏻 Please remind me to return the dead hamster back to the pet shop so we can get a refund. I only have a few days left before the receipt is void. 👉🏻 I reminded everyone that our company policy insists on staff coming to work in more than just pants and socks. 👉🏻 I shouldn't need to remind you to be at work every day at 5am on the dot. Not a minute later! (❗'I shouldn't need to remind you' is a common set phrase when warning someone) 👉🏻 Let me remind you: I'm the boss here, not you! (❗ 'Let me remind you' is a commonly used rather aggressive phrase to warn someone) When you say that somebody or something reminds you of something, you associate it with a memory from your past: 👉🏻 You so remind me of my mum; hence why you can't be my girlfriend. 👉🏻 Doesn't walking around Выхино remind you of our trip to Afghanistan? 👉🏻 Would you be so kind to remind me of your name once again so I can write our 10th wedding anniversary card? ❤ Set phrases: ✌🏻 I shouldn't need to remind you... ✌🏻 Let me remind you... ✌🏻 Remind me one more time! ✌🏻 What does that remind you of? (maybe looking at a picture) ✌🏻 Please remind me before I forget! (Or: ... so I don't forget) ✅ RECALL + RECOLLECT The differences between these two words are very small indeed and in most cases can be used interchangeably. They both mean to remember a fact or situation from the past. But if I were to be a pedantic English gastarbeiter, I could make the following distinctions: 1) Recollect is a little more formal and less frequent in its usage 2) Recollect may require a deeper thought process (debatable) 3) The noun form of recollect (recollection(s)) is much more common than the noun of recall (recall) ❤ Recall is best learned with set phrases: 👉🏻 I seem to recall that you were against having pets at home so why did you get a hamster? 👉🏻 As far as I can recall, you have had 20 holidays this year. You're fired! 👉🏻 I distinctly recall telling you not to shop at Diksi! Now we all have food poisoning! We can often replace the formal recollect with remember which would be more natural: 👉🏻 As far as I can recollect (remember, recall), your name is Elizabeth... the 2nd. 👉🏻 Can you recollect (remember, recall) the events of that night? ❗ This could be a common question asked by the police during an interview ‼ Do you have any recollections of the event? (we wouldn't use the noun form of recall here) 👉🏻 I suddenly recollected (remembered) that I had left my wallet on the train. Hopefully when it arrives in China, they'll send it back. 🤓 So guys, if this headache isn't enough, have a look at the other meanings of recall and recollect: 👉🏻 Due to a fault in the manufacturing process, Toyota had to recall all their cars. (= to call back to the factory) 👉🏻 Much to the surprise of everyone, Ronaldo was recalled to the national team after being told three years before that he wasn't good enough. (= included back into the team) 👉🏻 The soldier took a deep breath and recollected himself then charged towards the enemy. (this is from: to collect oneself = to regain your composure) ❤ Very common phrases: Correct me if I'm wrong but... (wasn't it you who ran over my cat?) If my mind serves me correctly... (it was you who ran over my cat. Maybe I'm mistaken!) 😎😎😎 Enjoy my friends 😎😎😎 Ps: I'm not picking my nose in the pic☝🧐

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