🇬🇧 NATIVE CLASSROOM PHRASES 🇬🇧 Hi my friends. Once again I present to you a list of useful native-like classroom phrases for your kids/teens. Remember, use a soft tone with these so you don't come across harsh but instead playful yet meaning business. These are such simple phrases but... 'less is more!' 😎 ✅ GET RID OF IT! = Quite a powerful way of asking someone to discard something. The common result of using this phrase is throwing something away in a bin. 👉 Is that chewing gum? Get rid of it! You know the rules! (pointing at the bin) ✅ STICK IT IN THE BIN! = Stick is so common in everyday English as a more informal synonym of PUT. If you want to be even more informal, say BUNG. 👉 Don't leave the wrapper on the table, stick it in the bin. Thanks. 👉 Can you please bung your rubbish in the bin on your way out? ✅ PIPE DOWN, GUYS! = A politer way of saying be quiet but in response to chatter and some mild disruption. 👉 Pipe down, guys! We've got a lot to get through today. ✅ TONE IT DOWN A BIT! = You might have heard of 'Tone down your language!' which literally means, 'Don't be so coarse.' So, if your students are using some inappropriate language, this phrase would be quite fitting. 👉 Oi! I heard that! Tone it down a bit, please. Such language isn't welcome here. ✅ DON'T SPEAK OVER EACH OTHER! = Another nice synonym of 'Don't interrupt each other.' 👉 Please, don't speak over each other. I can't hear a word any of you are saying! ✅ DON'T CALL OUT! = When someone shouts out the answer before being asked. 👉 Guys, don't call out. If you want to answer, stick your hand up. ✅ WAIT YOUR TURN! = Used in exactly the same way as the phrase above. 👉 Dasha, stop shouting out all the time and wait your turn. Thanks. ✅ MIND HOW YOU GO! = Not only is this phrase a synonym of for, 'Bye, take care!' in the UK but it's also very useful when saying 'Be careful!' in the classroom. Imagine a child walks to the board but bangs into a desk on the way. Or, one of your teens is going to their seat and trips up, this phrase would be perfect. 👉 Oh careful! Mind how you go, Zhenya. You'll be fine. Nothing's broken. ✅ DONT DILLY-DALLY! = Basically wasting time through indecision. Like saying: Stop dawdling! Could be used if your students are taking ages getting their things out of their bags, or hanging around outside the classroom. Or even taking ages leaving and you want them gone. 👉 Don't dilly-dally out there all day long. The lesson's already started. ✅ LET'S GET A MOVE ON! = Very native way of saying, 'Hurry up!' 👉 Shoes and jackets off, boys and girls. That's it. Let's get a move on. The lesson started 5 minutes ago. In in in!

Теги других блогов: English phrases classroom phrases teaching English