🇬🇧 DO YOU KNOW THESE COMMON NEWS WORDS? 🇬🇧 Hi guys! I assume you regularly read the news to practice your English, right? Really? You do? I hope so! If you do, you might have come across some of the juicy bits of language below as they're used everywhereeeeee! Damn good words to know! ✅GASLIGHTING ✅BASED ✅SHEEPLE ✅THE NEW WORLD ORDER ✅THE GREAT RESET ✅THE DEEP STATE ✅GREENWASHING 💥 Definitions below 👇 ⚠ GASLIGHTING A form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition. This can happen on a personal or political level. ⚠ BASED (slang) Being yourself and not caring what others think of you; to carry yourself with swagger and style. Jordan Peterson is totally based! ⚠ SHEEPLE (Sheep + People) People compared to sheep in being foolish, or easily led. Like people who follow every word of the news without questioning it. Or following "the next cool thing." ⚠ THE NEW WORLD ORDER (Political term) This is a new world government, economy, social structure, social credit system devised by members of the WEF (World Economic Forum). It's very negatively seen as utopian and authoritarian. It's a Western thing. (King Charles was one of the founding members of the WEF) ⚠ THE GREAT RESET This concept has been talked about by western politicians who are in the pockets of the WEF as a way of resetting the global economic and political system. Their mantra (really does exist): You'll own nothing and will be happy! ⚠ THE DEEP STATE A body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy. These are the people behind the scenes who 'flick all the switches." We often believe that out own politicians are being controlled by members of the Deep State, including our prime minister. ⚠ GREENWASHING A form of advertising or marketing spin in which green PR and green marketing are deceptively used to persuade the public that an organization's products, aims and policies are environmentally friendly, when in fact they're not. (Another term: Green Sheen). This concept arose out of the whole climate crisis movement. 🙈 Wow, a mega serious post! So unlike me! Here, so that you recognize me: Hamsters, Domestos, Pancake! Fuu! Ahhhh that's better! And my speaking club students starting next week... hahahaha! You have 6 A4 pages worth of this stuff every 2 weeks😂😁😈👻

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